As the days lead up to the fundraiser I continued with school and tried to keep life as normal as possible , I found myself having days Good and days Bad! My family and I had many emotions going on many different thoughts racing through all of our heads. I couldn't wait for the fundraiser I knew it would help my family out a lot financially because I'm sure my parents were a bit stressed on how this would effect them, though I know my father could handle it , my mom did just have Brain surgery a year ago I'm sure this was a lot for them to take in. So my sister had her work donate gift certificates to the raffle and my mom worked on getting my father's work to donate to the raffle as well. And there were fliers made up and hundreds of people were showing me so much Love and support on face book it was so AMAZING!!! I just couldn't believe how nice people could be to me and my family. We made up fliers and took them to my school as well.Margaret her friends and my family members worked on this fundraiser for about a month and they had it at the 19 th Hole Golf course in Magna on Oct 16 . I must back up a moment though Because before the fundraiser I got to have a photo shoot with My sister Kiley who Owns FROZEN LENS PHOTOGRAPHY she did a shoot with me and she named it FIGHTER It looked as though I had been in a fight symbolizing my fight against MY CONGENITAL HEART DEFECT and how I would beat my BATTLE !!! I also did a second photo shoot with Sam Shore and this one was called Angel of Light , it was shot at The National Peace Gardens . I had so Much fun in my yellow dress and wings!!!
So back to the fundraiser . That morning we went and made copies of my photo shoot pictures so that everyone could see them. When we arrived I was surprised to see how many people were there already, and the food smelled yummy!!! As the day went on hundreds of people came and went and ate and supported me and gave me words of encouragement and love and HUGS!!! I had my family and my boyfriend Josh by my side the whole day I was so HAPPY!!! I just couldn't believe all these people I didn't even know were all here for ME ! It gave me strength to know I could do this , but inside I was still scared , But I was getting stronger everyday.
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